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The largest and oldest wine producer in the Azores continues to respect and preserve the way our ancestors made wine. It is this culture of respect for our history and traditions, combined with the irreverence of new knowledge, that makes our wines the best of the Azores.
Cooperative Winery of the year 2018
in Wine Magazine Great Picks
The Pico Island Wine Cooperative was founded in 1949, by the efforts of the producers, trying to recover the noble grape varieties and the culture of the vineyard, in a stone corral, which is today classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.
We are the union of 270 associates who deliver their best grapes every year to produce the most varied wines.
Men, women .. families who are dedicated to the secular art of producing the vineyard and grapes, that make us so unique.
A generational knowledge that preserves itself against adversity, against adversities and against forgetting.
In the Cooperative, the grapes hand-picked from the rocky vineyards, preserve the authentic culture that used simple and fragile basalt stone walls to protect the stubborn vengeance vineyard from the adverse weather conditions in this island Portugal.
Secular techniques, arts, and traditions that are still today the way to sprout stone wine.